The Department has experienced faculty in terms of knowledge and enabling them to impart a fine blend of theoretical and practical knowledge to the students. Faculty is also encouraged to undergo various training programmes, seminars, workshops etc. to enable them to upgrade their skills from time-to- time. Visionaries and achievers from the Tourism and Hospitality industry also share their experiences with the students when they visit the institute as guest lecturers to facilitate field inter-action.
- Students would be bound by the rules and regulations framed by the institute from time to time.
- Attendance from the first day of every term is compulsory, failing which the student is liable to be fined.
- No student would be eligible to appear for the University Examination, unless he/ she has paid his/ her dues, completed his/her term work and must have registered minimum 80% attendance as per the University.
- Students should be regular and punctual in attending theory & practical classes during the semester. Break timings should be strictly adhered to.
- Prior permission of the Principal is absolutely necessary for leave of absence for any reason whatsoever. In case of leave on medical grounds the student must inform the institute immediately and later submit the leave application along with a medical certificate.
- Internal marks will be granted to the students on the basis of his/her attendance, conduct and performance during the tutorials/internal examinations.
- The Principal is liable to remove any student from the roll of the institute for his/her continued absence, misconduct/ misbehavior of unsatisfactory performance.
- A student may be refused admission to practical and/or lectures and may be marked as absent if he/she has failed to bring the required journals, uniform and equipment etc.
- Students are expected to be well groomed & well behaved within the premises of the Institute.
- Students must carry an authorized Identity Card at all times.
Providing Ultimate Learning Experience with Commitment to Innovation
Chef Xavier Gomes, Corporate Chef Electrolux World has motivated our students on the latest innovation techniques of Gastronomy world through his versatile career graph.
Apart from semester long industry internships, students also visit landmark tourist destinations and hotels to relate theory with industry practices.
The School is conducting various workshops through which students are learning the live technical skills through tactical experiences.